A look at Mike Tyson's weed resort

After leading an uber-successful yet tumultuous life as a boxer, Mike Tyson is now an entrepreneur.

Mike Tyson is the proud owner of a 420-acre weed resort near Desert Hot Springs in Southern California, where it is legalized now. The property further extends his million-dollar cannabis empire that started with the company Tyson Holistic Holdings Inc. in 2016.

The company, which earns around a million dollars per month according to Fox Sports, sells a wide array of marijuana products such as strains, extracts, edibles, and other merchandise.

Under the umbrella of the company, the development and construction of 'Tyson Ranch' started in December 2017. The aim was to turn it into a luxury accommodation with glamping tents and the world's longest lazy river, as well as a grand venue for music festivals.

Here is the plan for the property from Tyson Ranch's Instagram account.

Tyson Ranch blueprint plan

Take a look at the hemp nursery within the premises.

Here's Mike Tyson with his treasured plants:

Here's a bird's eye view of the ranch itself:

Tyson Ranch

The veteran pugilist also hopes to establish a 'Tyson University' on the premises. It will be dedicated to imparting degree-style courses on marijuana agriculture and maintenance to those interested in the business.

Mike Tyson: "Cannabis is the future"

Mike Tyson has teamed up with businessman Rob Hickman for Tyson Holistic Holdings, who explained to Cannabis & Tech Today in a 2019 exclusive how Tyson Ranch was basically a "holistic center for health and wellness" themed around marijuana and its benefits. However, the entertainment and recreational quotients are also part of the experience.

In the same interview, Mike Tyson himself divulged why he invested in the cannabis business:

"I’ve been fighting for over 20 years, and my body has a lot of wear and tear. I had two surgeries and I used marijuana to calm my nerves, and it would take the pain away … But before, they had me on those opiates, and those opiates had me all screwed up... Cannabis is the future, and eventually, everyone is going to have to give in," Mike Tyson explained.

However, Mike Tyson's company does not grow the plants themselves. They are partnered up with local farmers and help sell their products under their brand.

According to the Tyson Holistic website, the cannabis is sourced and inspected, maintaining the highest of quality, before it is given the seal of approval and sold under the brand name.

Mike Tyson insists that his strains are "grown indoors, harvested based on maturity, cured over 30 days to ensure natural flavornoids, naturally derived, hand-trimmed, pesticide-free and lab-tested."

In February 2019, Mike Tyson opened up the ranch for a small pop-up music extravaganza named 'Kind Music Festival' that featured names like Miguel and A$AP Ferg.

Read here: 20 Most Iconic Quotes of Mike Tyson

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